Sunday, April 14, 2013
Okay, so I have been thinking a lot about game graphics. A game could have the best story in the universe, but if it has sucky graphics people are all like, "OMG that game has sucky graphics". Thats all they think about, not the story, the graphics. I love some games, but i'm always thinking, " If only the graphics could have been better". Do any of you guys think this? And what game? Then again, a game could have the suckiest story, and yet, the best graphics ever. The graphics and the story compliment each other. To make the perfect game, it has to have good graphics, and the equal level of story greatness. No wonder i haven't encountered a game like this so far. What with graphics being so advanced, it will take years for good story to catch up. Or just a good writer.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
So I guess it's about time I started talking about the PS4. The PS4 is rumored to be 3D based. In my opinion, this sounds fairly awesome. I think that it would put a whole new look to gaming. But one thing that is a setback about the PS4 is that it probably won't be cheap. I wonder if it will be worth it to have a whole new system just to play 3D games.
I have about a dozen games for the PS3. What will happen to those games? Will I be forced to buy new games for the PS4? Or will it be multi-platform? I am dying to know the details of the PS4. They are announcing new games for it such as Watch Dogs and InFamous Second Son. But what I really want to know about are the system details and graphics and gaming platform. Should I save up for the PS4? Or just stick with the ever-present and increasingly awesome PS3?
There is one thing that makes me veer towards the PS4 system, though. THE GAMES. As I said in one of my earlier posts, I love Uncharted. Naughty Dog announced that they will not be making anymore Uncharted games for the PS3. They said nothing about the PS4, though. Another game series that I enjoy is InFamous. If you have seen the trailer for InFamous Second Son, you know it will be amazing.
So, what do you gamers think personally? Should I save up, or just stick with the PS3? I guess I could do both. But still, which would be a better thing to do? Click the Poll on the side of the site to vote.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Portable Games
So right now, I'm thinking about portable games. I am on a car trip for 2 hours. When I was younger the only games I had were portable. From the Gameboy Advance, to the Nintendo DS. My Nintendo DS broke recently though, so I have replaced it with a PlayStation Portable(PSP). I want you gamer's opinions. Did I make the right choice with this purchase? What was your first portable game console? What is the best portable game console? Comment below for the world to hear. I feel like I'm talking to myself. PROVE ME WRONG.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Gaming Environment
A gaming environment is what someone does and where they are when they game. Some gaming environments are, the pig. The pig is when someone is surrounded by food and beverages without showering. Other gaming environments are, the winter. The winter is when someone has a blanket and hot beverage with the lights off while they play. If you are someone who is thinking "Why does someone need a specific 'environment' while they game? This just seems pointless to me" THEN YOU ARE NOT A REAL GAMER. If you are a gamer and cannot get into the zone, try experimenting. If you are not successfully getting into the zone, comment below. Others that have a good environment, comment below to help gamers who can't get into the zone.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Realm of the Mad God
This is a game that a person would play for boredom or fun. It has absolutely no storyline. But it does have a weapon system, although every attack comes out as a bullet. The thing that I hate the most though, is the music. I am not kidding when I say that after an hour of playing, I wanted to throw my wireless mouse at my laptop. All in all, I would rate this game a 5/10.
Favorite Game
Okay guys, so I was thinking that all of you awesome gamers have games that are your favorite. So comment your favorite game and maybe I will review it for the world to see. If you want to include your opinion feel free to.
Keep Gaming,
Aaron Crow
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Pardon My Awesomeness
I apologize to all you awesome gamers out there because I have forgotten to introduce myself. I've been into gaming ever since my first Pokèmon on the Gameboy Advance. I was immersed in Nintendo gaming until years later I got a Sony PS3. THAT opened a portal into a whole new gaming universe. I am fine with shooter games if they have at least great graphics, not too bloody, and have good story. COD for the win! Now about game suggestions, I'm open-minded, but try for nothing too graphic or inappropriate. I think that's just about as much as you should know about me. For now.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Okay, so I have a friend and he is basically awesome and has his own blog( and this guy is like PROgamer. Check out his blog guys! We work together so keep a look out.
Little Big Planet
This game has always been a favorite since a friend introduced me to it. In this game you are not really wanting to do the story as much as you are the online content. Anybody that owns the game can make levels online and play other peoples. It is very easy and fun for people of all ages. The graphics are nothing special, there is no need since you are a hackey sack thing, or sackboy. I rate this game 6/10.
Late to the Party
By Lets Game, Guys!, check it out for their other content.
Need 4 Speed Most Wanted
InFamous 2
Right now I'm in the middle of a game called InFamous 2. In this game you play as Cole McGrath, an ex-delivery guy who in InFamous delivered a bomb. When the bomb exploded he was in the center of a 5 block hole of destruction. He was the only survivor. In InFamous 2 you open in a boat near Empire City. A huge explosion happens in the heart of the city and you must stop what is known as the Beast. You battle the Beast but your powers are drained(You still have powers but you must earn them back). The Beast survives and you are taken to New Marais by your best friend, Zeke, and agent Kuo. One part that everyone loves about InFamous is that you are able to choose between being a hero or being completely evil. In InFamous 2 you are able to get either fire or ice powers in addition to electricity(This happens in about the halfway point in gameplay). To be good you must choose ice powers, whereas to be evil you must choose fire. I really enjoy this game because it really gives you a lot of freedom. It is a free world game and there are side missions along with UCG(User Generated Content) missions that are apart from story missions. In this game the main objective is to defeat swamp monsters, the evil militia, and Joseph Bertrand. You must also absorb Blast Cores which will give you new powers and help you power up the device that will kill the Beast. At the end of the game, you must choose between killing the beast along with yourself, or helping the beast cure people of the plague. When I chose to save millions of people and kill the beast, I felt like a real hero sacrificing my life and my friends for the sake of humanity. I would recommend this game to people who like freedom,challenges and decisions when they play. This game's graphics really set the mood. They make you feel like you are actually in New Marais. This game has some of the most realistic human graphics I've ever seen. I would rate this game 9/10.
-Aaron Crow